Elena McSwain
Elena takes her role as an Integration Facilitator at Mycro with the upmost gratitude and honor -

It is my heart’s passion to be of service to people who are walking a similar path in life; of cultivating a deep and expansive relationship with Mother Earth and themselves. Holistic Healing modalities such as breathwork, plant medicine, yoga nidra, conscious journaling, etc. are even more energetically and intentionally charged when paired with integration.

When people move through life-changing epiphanies, generational trauma, and break out of their subconscious patterns/ programming, it is imperative to digest these psychological and physiological changes in manageable bite sizes. When we are able to receive new information about ourselves and our lives this way, we allow our nervous system the space to process these changes without feeling overwhelmed.

Over six years ago is when I got very serious about my healing path and sacred connection to this earth and life. My journey of walking myself home has been a deeply transformational, very windy, and an expansive, infinite, road. Throughout my time of self-dedication, I have acquired strongly rooted truths in the process of digging through the mulit-layeredness of unbecoming everything I am not. One of the most profound truths that I have learned is that ~ without integration of my experiences, I am likely to repeat lessons/ patterns/ relationship dynamics that I have already become aware of …again.

When working through an integration process with me, you will be encouraged and guided to find ways in your life to help you bridge the space of who you were choosing to show up as before working with various holistic healing modalities, and who you want to show up as your most True Self. I am here to guide and reflect your own guidance back to yourself. This is a crucial format of how we will interact together - I will never be the one to heal you, nor instruct you exactly what to do in your life. I hold space for this power to come through you, and I will assist you in accessing your own guidance, because you are your own best leader in this life. I am here to help cultivate your voice for yourself, guide you through your own psyche, and to hold space for your personal evolution. I hold the vision of your most embodied life of joy and fulfillment and will be here to hold your hand, standing by you, as you emerge from your cocoon.